Friday, June 17, 2011

Ice Cube Sellout to the Alcohol Industry

Ice Cube for quite a few years now has been a Sellout and 
Corporate Lackey to Large Alcohol Companies like Coors
and BudLight, alongside being a total Kiss-ass to many
Corrupted Industries, this guy don't give a fuck, and just like 
Snoop Dog, is targeting Alcohol Advertisements Aimed
at the Younger Generation.

Rappers are all the same, the only Rapper I would ever recommend who has any Balls and isn't a Sellout to any Alcohol Industry is Lupe Fiasco, who is Massively raising Awareness to the Dumbed Down Masses and waking up my Generation to what's really going on.


Keep Fighting!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stopping Alcohol Advertisements on TV (Forever)

Alcohol Advertisement such as this one targeted at
Teenagers and Adolescents need to be BANNED 
from TV!

There is an Epidemic of Substance Abuse with Teenagers right
here in the U.S. almost 90 to 100% caused by Society and
Alcohol Advertisements shown on TV.

As Written in the New Mexican Journal Section ''Parade Special Report'' on June 12 2011 called ''The Underage Drinking Epidemic'' more and more Teens are getting hospitalized by mixing Hard Liquor and Energy Drinks. Well known to be called ''Jungle Juice'' most all of the Teenagers in College are Under the Influence and a Large Percentage of them get Hospitalized and have to be on Respirators.

As said in the Beginning of the Article by two parents whose Daughter in College named ''Rory'' at age 18 got drunk for the first time when she hit Collage.

It says in the Beginning ''Linda B* and her Husband were sound asleep when the phone rang at 2 A.M. Their Oldest Daughter, Rory, 18, had left two weeks earlier for her first year at College in Connecticut. An Honor Student and Athlete, Rory had never been in trouble. They didn't think they had any reason to worry. ''When I picked up the phone, Rory was Crying Hysterically; she was completely Disoriented,'' Linda Recalls. ''She kept saying, 'Mom, can you come get me?' but she had no idea where she was-and we live hours away. I've never been that scared-she could barely speak.'' Finally, Linda heard other people's voices in the background and had Rory pass the phone to someone who told her where they were. While Linda stayed on the line with her Daughter, her Husband called Campus Security. When officials found Rory a few minutes later, her face was covered in blood. She had Fallen and Broken her nose, though she was so Intoxicated that she hadn't realized it. ''She managed to tell me she'd been drinking something called Jungle Juice,'' Linda Recalls.

Like many parents, Linda had never heard of a Mix of the Lethal Concoction. A syurpy Mix of Hard Liquors and Fruit Juices, it often includes Everclear, whose Alcohol Content can be as high as 190 Proof (A Level Banned in some States). Some kids throw in Energy Drinks for good measure. There are Dozens of Recipes for Jungle Juice online, one popular site calls it ''Suicide in a Kettle.''

Kegs and watered-down beer have long been as much a part of the Campus Experience as trying to Avoid early-morning classes. And it's not exactly unheard for Teens in High School and even middle School to Sneak into their parents' Liquor Cabinets. What is new-and increasingly alarming to those confronting the issue, is the rising trend of Extreme Underage Drinking.

Now I don't Agree with everything in this Article considering Journals and things that are in the Public Eye such as this only tell so much Truth, but you get the Point.

Now this is what it says in the Section of this Article Titled ''Blackout In a Can''.

The for combining Energy Drinks, which can have far more caffeine than Coffee or Cola, with Alcohol is Particularly Troubling. Dr. O'Brian first became aware of the Phenomenon in 2006 when a Student was Brought in Near-Comatose. ''The Caffeine blocks the part of Alcohol that makes you Sleepy and might otherwise cause you to pass out.

This enables you to drink far more than you might have. By the time many of these kids go to the Hospital, they have to be put temporarily on Respirators because of Depressed Breathing.'' Disturbed by 
what they were seeing, Dr. O'Brian and her Colleagues conducted a survey that year of 4,271 Students from more than 10 Universities in North Carolina. ''We Found that about a quarter of the kids who'd had a drink in the past 30 days said they were mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks, either the premixed kind or Red Bull and Vodka. They got drunk twice as often and drank more per session than those who had Alcohol without Caffeine. They were much more likely to be injured, much more likely to be taken advantage of Sexually or to take advantage of someone Sexually, much more likely to Drive Drunk.'' 

Colleges are on the front lines of this battle.

Rampo College in New Jersey Banned Energy Drinks containing Alcohol on Campus back in 2010 after a number of Students were sent to the ER for Alcohol-Related Reasons over a few weeks. James L. Guadino (President of Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash., took similar action. ''We Banned Alcoholic Energy Drinks when we became aware of the Extraordinary Threat they pose,'' he says. ''What shocked us was the Hospitalization of 11 Students after a Single Party.''

As outrage grew, the FDA stepped in, and last year essentially ordered the makers of four Brands, including Phusion Projects, which sells the cult favorite Four Loko, to remove the caffeine. Four Loko was reformulated and is now back on the market. The Sweetened beverage no longer contains Caffeine, but each 23.5-ounce can may have the Alcohol equivalent of Four to five beers. (Four standard beers for a female and five for male over a two-hour period is considered Binge Drinking). Though it's too early to tell if its popularity is abating (Bullshit), Four Loko, A.K.A. ''Blackout In a Can,'' has been a hit on Youtube, with more than 5,000 Videos extolling its virtues.

''Four Loko is everywhere,'' says Gabby K., 17, a High School Junior in New Jersey. ''It tastes like candy, so you can drink a lot of it fast. It's pretty potent and it only costs around 3$ a can. It's a faster way to get drunk without having to deal with the taste of Liquor.'' says Gabby notes that the cans look a lot like iced tea. ''It seems user-friendly,'' she says. But she won't drink it herself, pointing out that s number of kids in her School were Hospitalized this year due to Binge Drinking. The makers of Four Loko reply: ''We are a fully committed to doing our part to ensure that our products are consumed legally and responsibility. Phusion Projects' Marketing message is clear: If you are under the age of 21, respect the law and do not drink.'' (Lies, Lies, Lies! from Evil Corporations like Loko who know for a FACT that Alcohol Kills and their Products are attracted to Teenagers Purposely!).

Even in its new incarnation, Four Loko falls into a Category that Teens Love but that has Authorities Worried: Flavored Malt beverages. Like Four Loko, many of them are sold in brightly decorated 23.5-ounce cans and have an Alcohol content of 12%.

On April 21, Attorneys general from 16 states cosigned a letter to Pabst, makers of the Malt beverage blast. ''We believe the manufacture and marketing of this flavored 'Binge in a can' poses a grave public saftey threat,'' the letter states. It cites concerns that blast with such varieties as Strawberry lemonade and Grape, a pervasive online presence, and the Rap Star Snoop Dog as a Spokesman-is Aimed at Underage Drinkers. 

Jon Sayer, Chief marketing officer of Pbst Brewing Company, issued this reply: ''Blast is produced only for consumers above legal drinking age and is marketed as such.'' The President of Anheuser, Busch, mean-while, announced in late May that the Company will lower the Alcohol Content in its 24-ounce flavored malt beverage Tilt from 12% by volume to 8% (All Bullshit, never Trust the Corporations and sure as hell don't trust the people responsible for Millions of Deaths in the U.S.).

Now all of this is very true, but still there are some Major Points being Lost here like, 1. Why aren't Alcohol Ads Banned From TV?, 2, why aren't these states fighting to make Legislation and Successfully Ban Alcohol Adverts from Television?

We know why, it's because they don't care, they are either Supported, Endorsed, or Kissing the Ass of these Corporations that are Responsible for Millions of Deaths.

In New Mexico, the Rate of Drunk Driving, and Underage Drinking is very Large, and why does it seem I'm the only one around Santa Fe putting up Flyers up against this Epidemic?

Listen, whatever state you are in, be it here in New Mexico or where-ever else, start Campaigns against Alcohol, like for instance a ''March For Sobriety'' would be very useful if you are not connected with a Large Corporation.

Go to your State, and Legislate for Banning Alcohol Advertisements on TV, because if we can do that, we can Safe a Lot Lives.

Objectification, Mutilation, and Bad Role Modeling are all Portrayed in Alcohol Advertisements, especially for Young Girls.


Women are more Susceptible to Liver Cancer, and Breast Cancer from Drinking as well, so Please do KEEP THIS IN MIND!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Rate of Alcoholism in Australia and South Wales

The Rate in Australia and South Wales is by far as Bad or even
Worse as the U.S. either way you look at it, just like right here in 
America, it isn't a Free Country if anything, it is just as Proud and
Dumb as America.

There was a Study done by Wayne Hall in 1997 (August 14-15) that stated in one section that 52% of the drug related deaths that year were alongside Alcohol in Sydney Australia (Which BTW is the HeadQuarters for Satanism in the world explained by one of the Satanists back in the 1980s and 1980s named Petor) you can see why it's not a great place to live.

In an Article done by the National Drug Research Institute in 2007 said that 1145 of Australia's Indigenous People were killed by Alcohol. Many deaths of which led to either Suicide or Cirrhosis.

No Free Will, No Free Thought, and Control of the Population thru Alcohol, Drugs, and Media. 

Now I'm sure even more of Australia's Indigenous People are killed by Alcohol year by year (And no one can really Trust what the National Drug Research Institute says considering they are ''Supported'' and Controlled by the Corporations I am fighting against) but still, some what of what they say is true.

The Demographics of this Country don't look all that good either.

A 45th of (And probably even more) of it's people drink Alcohol, Suicide rate is 33rd, 5th of Life Expectancy, these are all just done by Wikipedia it may or may not be true, but it's a thought.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


More people die every year in the U.S. by Alcohol then
Meth, Cocaine, and cigarettes combined (FACT).

Why are Alcohol Advertisements Legal? you never hear anyone getting Sexually Abused or Beaten by Cigarettes now do you? (FACT).

Yet Society excepts the Destruction of Children's lives and futures so willingly without taking any Responsibility for their actions what so ever (FACT).

80 to 90 percent of women get Sexually Abused or Sexually Assaulted because of Alcohol (FACT).

Whose making the Money of the Abuse?

The Alcohol Industry.

Whose doing nothing about it?


The Highest Rate for Sexual Abuse, Rape, and Molestation of Children is and always has been Alcohol.

Whose Endorsing and Supporting the Alcohol Industry?

The Government, The Politicians and The Corporations...that's who.

Join the Fight, Raise Awareness, and STOP the Destruction of Children.