Monday, July 18, 2011

London England (Full of Alcoholism and Evil Laws)

The Legal Drinking age for the United Kingdom is 18.
This Country has a Large Epidemic Of Underage Drinking and
an Increasing Rate of Teens checking into rehabs and AA.

You can go to any Pub in London and Drink, Abuse and Use this Poison which this Evil Country does nothing about.

Where as the U.S. (Even as F**ked up it is and has been for Years) Legal age for Drinking is 21, England's is 18.

The Politicians and Government of this Country are Extremely Evil, Creating Laws of their own that should be Changed, but will not Change unless you Stand Up and Fight!

Plus, on top of the Fact you have a Pedophile Sexual Abuse/Ritual Killing Queen and a HUGE Rate of Satanism and Child Abuse in this F**king Country!

Call me Crazy, I really don't care what you think of me, I've done the Research, and if you don't believe me then go to David Icke's Website.

Use your Voice, you have a Choice!